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Every year, the InfantRisk Center publishes studies on the transfer of various drugs into breast milk. We invite you to review these studies and consider participating in one of them. Participation is simple: you will need to collect samples of your breast milk at regular intervals, freeze them, and send them to our laboratories using prepaid overnight mailing. Your involvement will greatly contribute to our research and help ensure the safety of medications for breastfeeding mothers.

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Weight Loss in Lactation

Many women are eager to lose weight after childbirth. However, a common concern is how to do so safely without compromising milk supply. Self-compassion is very important in this process as societal pressure for women to quickly revert to their "normal" state is often unrealistic. It's normal for it to take 6 to 12 months for a woman's body to return to its pre-pregnancy weight. In this article, we will discuss how to safely lose weight during lactation.
Domperidone and Low Milk Supply
In recent decades, domperidone has gained popularity in the breastfeeding community and has been used off-label to treat low milk supply. Domperidone’s major drawbacks are rare, but severe, including ...
Sunscreen Smarts for Breastfeeding Families
Rain, shine, winter, summer, or any time spent outdoors leaves skin vulnerable to damage from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Regularly wearing sunscreen is clinically proven to reduce the risk of squam...
Nurturing with Nature: Herbal Research Woes
The InfantRisk Center receives daily inquiries regarding herbal supplements and their safety. In this article, we will discuss why we have not historically given recommendations regarding herbals and ...

Introducing Complementary (Solid) Foods

It is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics that babies be breastfed exclusively until about 6 months. At 6 months, a baby’s needs, particularly for certain micronutrients, exceed what can...

Infant Taste Preference Influenced in Utero and During Breastfeeding

Many parents would like their children to develop taste preferences for a wide variety of foods, particularly healthy foods like vegetables. Food taste and flavor play a large role in food choices and...

Monoclonal Antibody Drugs in Breastfeeding Moms

Monoclonal antibodies are molecules created in a lab to function like antibodies of the immune system and are important in the treatment of organ transplant, chronic inflammatory diseases like rheumat...

Clomiphene and Breastfeeding

Clomiphene is a common drug that women use to help stimulate ovulation.  Clomiphene increases the chance that eggs will be released from a woman’s ovaries by stimulating the secretion of several hormo...

Is Ketamine Safe to Use for Depression During Pregnancy?

The fast-acting nasal spray esketamine, marketed as SpravatoTM, was recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat depression in individuals whose depression has been resistant t...

Cold and Flu Medications While Breastfeeding

As cold and flu season swings into full effect, runny noses, coughing, and body aches leave many breastfeeding mothers wondering whether some quick relief from over-the-counter medications could negat...

Whats New about Zika Virus Infections in Breastfeeding Moms

Zika virus is a flavivirus transmitted by the Aedes mosquitoes. Only 20% of adults infected will have clinical manifestations such as low-grade fevers, itchy rash, joint pain in the hands and feet, an...

Can I get an IUD after my delivery if I plan to breast feed?

When looking at the research for IUD insertion, we first must ask “what type of IUD are you interested in?”. Copper IUDs (ParaGuard), do not release any hormones and thus do not affect breast milk pro...

Is Nexplanon contraceptive implant safe for breastfeeding moms?

Nexplanon has become a very popular contraceptive method in recent years because it lasts for 3 years and you do not have to take a pill every day. While the idea of an implant under the skin is daunt...