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Submitted by admin on 21 August 2019

Abilify is really popular for treating bipolar symptoms and psychosis,  particularly because it causes the least weight gain in patients.

That said,  I continue to warn that the use of this product in breastfeeding mothers is HIGHLY likely to suppress prolactin production and therefore milk production.

I see many comments of women who just stop Abilify and go without support of this fine drug.  

It is important to remember,  that if you need one of these mood stabilizers there are other suitable choices that DO NOT affect milk production and transfer to milk in low levels.  Ask your doctor about one of these.  



0.3% - 2.2%

Probably Compatible

Aripiprazole (Abilify)


Suppresses Milk Production


1.33% - 1.4%

Probably Compatible


0.07% - 0.1%

Probably Compatible


2.8% - 9.1%

Probably Compatible